
Featuring Heidi K. Gardner and Ivan A. Matviak. Gardner is a Distinguished Fellow at Harvard Law School and a former professor at Harvard Business School. Matviak is a senior executive in the global financial services and fintech sectors and a cofounder of Smart Collaboration International. Together they are the authors of Smarter Collaboration: A New Approach to Breaking Down Barriers and Transforming Work.

Complimentary HBR Webinar

Thursday, November 10, 12:00 pm ET

Companies and non-profits face more daunting challenges than ever. Market volatility. Sustainability demands. Hybrid working. And, fast-changing technology and regulations, to name just a few.

In this environment, effective collaboration is essential. But how exactly do we collaborate effectively—both within our organizations and with outside partners—to solve problems, innovate, and succeed?

On November 10, in a live, interactive HBR webinar, Harvard professor Heidi K. Gardner and senior executive Ivan A. Matviak discussed a pragmatic action plan to help companies thrive by collaborating more effectively. In this webinar Gardner and Matviak:

  • Presented rich stories, new empirical research, and experience-driven advice
  • Provided practical “how to’s” and real-world case studies
  • Helped leaders troubleshoot thorny challenges, like misaligned incentives and collaboration overload
  • Shared inspiring examples of groups harnessing smarter collaboration to tackle some of society’s biggest challenges

We’ve all heard how important collaboration is. The big question is, “How to make it happen?”