I’ve spent a lot of my adult life on public transportation. In college, I lived more than an hour away from campus. In my first job, I had to take multiple trains to reach the office. Up until 2020, a long commute was a part of my daily ritual.

Then came the pandemic. While the impacts were harsh on several fronts, I was privileged enough to work from home. No commute meant that I had a few extra hours to do things my way: I could wake up late; I had time to eat an actual breakfast; I had the freedom to manage my chores throughout the day, instead of running against the clock to finish them up. Having the ability to make these small decisions felt empowering.

When offices opened back up in India late last year, I had mixed feelings. On the one hand, I longed to see my colleagues and make new friends. On the other, the anxiety of returning to my former routine — wasting hour after hour on the train — gnawed at me. Now, after a year of working hybrid, I’ve gained a little more perspective.

A survey conducted earlier this year shows that the number one reason people prefer hybrid work is because it allows them to avoid commuting. Employees want a more flexible workplace that values their well-being. But we also know that working from home hasn’t necessarily improved our mental health. Research suggests that our job satisfaction and general mental health have continued to deteriorate in the remote workplace. This burnout can be a result of us missing human connection.

So, how do we make sense of all this?

The truth is that the purpose of “the office” is changing. It’s no longer just a place to work. It’s a space to gather, meet people, and collaborate. Our commutes are changing in sync. Traveling to and from work is no longer a ritual we must do to be productive. It’s a way to infuse balance into our days.

Here’s what I’m learning: Commutes have more potential than we think. Our time on the train or in the car doesn’t have to be dreadful. It can be a space to pause and nurture ourselves — whether it’s listening to a book, discovering a new podcast, or simply mapping out the day ahead. Carpooling can similarly be a way to socialize with colleagues. Or for people like me, who are more introverted, going into the office can be a way to connect with others.

Most importantly, how and when we commute helps us draw work-life boundaries. We can separate work from home and switch “on” and “off” in a more tangible way.

If you’re struggling with the transition back to the office, here are a few more strategies to help you manage.

Recommended Reads

How to Work and Travel at the Same Time
by Pam Kosanke
Have you heard of “bleisure”?

Why I Broke Up with My Office
by Shanna Hocking
Work needs to fit into your life, not the other way around.

That “Dreaded” Commute Is Actually Good for Your Health
by James R. Bailey and Andy Cohen
Your commute isn’t just about travel; it’s about spending time with yourself.

Where Did the Commute Time Go?
by Andrew Kun, Raffaella Sadun, Orit Shaer, and Thomaz Teodorovicz
The pandemic made us feel like we were saving our commute time. But did we really?

Christine vs. Work: How to Negotiate a Flexible Return to the Office
by Christine Liu
How do you talk to your manager if you don’t want to go back to the office?

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